Community Day @ Pomfinity
We’re thrilled to share more information about Community Day for Pomfinity in Glasgow, and it’s shaping up to be even more epic than ever! This time, we’re going all out with a much larger space for Community Day and keeping the main halls open, so there’s more space...

Pom West – Meet and Greet
It's that time again! As you might have noticed, KupoCon is not your typical convention. To do this, we only invite guests who are committed to making the event a mutually rewarding experience for everyone. Please note that autographs and photos are not included with...
KupoCon comes to Eorzea on March 27
As many of you know, KupoCon is hosting Pomline IV on March 28. This marks KupoCon's fifth birthday. We will celebrate with an online Kupo experience with a special guest stream. These events are usually held on a Saturday, but to coincide with the birthday we decided...
Le Pom in Montréal Rescheduled For 2022
KupoCon is delighted to announce that Le Pom will be rescheduled during the second half of 2022. Originally planned for April 2020, due to COVID-19 the event was postponed. Unfortunately, the rescheduled dates still did not allow for the event to proceed due to the...
KupoCast S5E3: Recap
The first episode of KupoCast for 2021 (Jan 31) revealed a plethora of information for the year ahead - even the fact you're viewing this now on a brand new web layout! Not too shabby, eh? So, if your broadband moans at the thought of video streaming, fear not, for...
TriPom 4.4 is now available
KupoCon is proud to present the 4.4 update to TriPom. A full list of cards released can be found here. Notable additions include Emet-Selch from Final Fantasy XIV and a new Limit Break card, Shiva based on the Final Fantasy X version. Check out the KupoCon Patreon for...
KupoCon to Host 7 Remake Roundtable
To celebrate the passing of the 1-year anniversary of FINAL FANTASY 7 REMAKE, KupoCon will host a special roundtable discussion during a special stream on April 10. It will feature multiple members of the cast. The event will be free to stream on Facebook Live....
KupoCon presents Pomline IV
KupoCon is delighted to announce the fourth installments of its popular online KupoCon experience, Pomline. The event will be free to watch and participate in on March 28, 2021. The event will feature many of the typical things you expect from a KupoCon experience...
KupoCon presents Who Want to Be a Gillionaire
In light of the many lockdowns due the effects of the pandemic, KupoCon has decided to host an online version of Who Wants to Be a Gillionaire. This event was held physically at Pomtropolis in Vancouver and Pomathon in Birmingham in 2018. This event will be free to...