Welcome to the world of TriPom. An exclusive card game made for the attendees of KupoCon. These can be obtained at our events or via our Patreon. At present there are over 300 cards to collect. You can learn more about the generations of cards on this page. For more detailed information, please check our card list or purchase our Ultimania, which outlines all the cards available.

Generation 6 – #283+
Our latest generation saw the introduction of Random Encounter cards. It also saw us discontinue many of the orginals. Grab them while you can.
Art by Edgar Carrascal, Trieu Thai, KuroSasorikun and Anebarone

Generation 5 – #216+
Generation 5 saw the introduction of location cards and so much more. Ultima boxes are abailable from our store while stocks last.
Art by Edgar Carrascal, Trieu Thai, KuroSasorikun and Anebarone

Generation 4 – #161-215
Introduced at Freepom in Glasgow, Scotland this was a major update for TriPom as we brought in additional artists to the main series. It saw the largest expansion to date, including many other types of cards.
Art by Edgar Carrascal, and Trieu Thai

Generation 3 – #111-160
Introduced in Pom Saucer in Toronto, Canada. This generation also saw the introduction of the Artist Series which allowed community artists to recreate main series cards in their own style. The Artist Series are available in separate packs from the main set.
Art by WaveChan

Generation 2 – #051-110
Introduced at Pomtario in Toronto, Canada, Generation 2 was the first major expansion of TriPom and was the beginning of the double sided cards (red on the reverse). At this time the first promo and limit break cards were introduced to the series.
Art by WaveChan

Generation 1 – #001-050
Introduced at The Big Pom in Newark, NJ. The cards were originally single sided. However to make the game easier to play without counters, the cards were made double sided at later events. These cards are available via starter packs, Aero & Blizzara.
Art by WaveChan