Pomfinity – Autograph Bundles
It’s that time again, and we’re excited to share more about how KupoCon stands out from your typical convention! One of the ways we maintain this uniqueness is by inviting guests who are fully committed to making the event a rewarding experience for everyone involved....

Pom West – Event FAQ
The Basics When and where?KupoCon will take place at the Hilton Metrotown, 6083 McKay Ave, Burnaby, BC V5H 2W7. When entering the hotel, head up the escalators. If you're unable to use the escalators due to accessibility or bulky cosplay, feel free to use the elevator...
KupoCon returns to Glasgow for 2023
It's with great excitment that we can confirm our return to Glasgow, Scotland for 2023! During our 2020 event, we unexpectedly announced our plans to return for 2021, however, weeks later the pandemic swooped across the western world and any hopes of returning to...
Le Pom “Deux” has been scheduled
We are absolutely delighted to report that we have rescheduled Le Pom in Montreal for October 22, 2022. In an attempt to cater to all our attendees, including those who will travel nationally and internationally, we have opted to remain with our original venue, the...
FAQ: XV Tour Toronto & Los Angeles
The XV Anniversary Tour events are just around the corner. They're not like our typical events, so you might have some questions about them. If you have any other queries, please contact [email protected] If you have not yet bought a ticket or even heard of these...
KupoCast S5E6: Recap
From offline to online events, read on to see what's upcoming, as well as a look into the latest generation of TriPom and vinyl information. If you see something here that especially piques your curiosity, check back on the original video right above you for the most...
FAQ: Retropom
Retropom is on the horizon, and we're sure many of you have got some questions. With so much going on, we have collated as much info for you as possible in this FAQ, so read on. If by the end you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact the support...
Retropom – Guest Autograph Bundle
As you’ve probably heard, KupoCon is pretty different from a typical convention. We don’t believe in placing boundaries between special guests and attendees. To accomplish this, we only bring guests to our event who will work with us to make the experience mutually...
Endwalker Event & The Crystals (Results)
Did you catch our Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker event? If not, you can watch the event back on the video above. Our thanks to everyone involved and the community for watching. If you'd like to support our free event, consider pledging on Patreon or making a purchase...
KupoCon Pop-Up in Toronto
KupoCon is delighted to announce plans for a return to Toronto, Canada. We’re pleased to report we have scheduled a pop-up event on April 2 & 3, 2022 at the Westin Harbour Castle. A beautiful hotel situated on the waterfront. After successfully completing a pop-up...
KupoCast S5E5: Recap
Plenty of information on next month's events, Retropom, and new projects. If you see something here that especially piques your curiosity, check back on the original video here or right above this paragraph for the most detail. We try to keep these recap posts concise...
Pomko’s Misadventures #2 – Pop-up / Pomtogether
Kupopo!! It's happened! It's finally happened! I got out of that bloody Irishman's room! The scent of freedom (and fresh air) sure is sweet, kupo.Always got a goody or two in my satchel. How have I not been mugged yet?!18 months! That long since the last physical...