If you’re a Final Fantasy XIV player or thinking about diving in, keep reading! We’ve built a lively, community-focused Free Company on the Moogle (Chaos) server. Established in 2019, our Free Company has grown to hundreds of members, with many logging in daily. Thanks to our dedicated members, we’ve climbed the ranks and secured our very own estate. Now, you have the chance to join in the adventure alongside the staff and fans of KupoCon with weekly activities and frequent online events.
No matter if you’re in the EU, NA, or JP region, most connections to the EU servers are smooth, so if your connection allows, we’d love to have you with us! We’re all about bringing people together, and EVERYONE is welcome—even if you haven’t attended KupoCon.
Respect each other. Treat all fellow players with dignity and respect. Be kind towards other members of the Free Company, including their abilities, contributions, and any extra duties they perform to keep the FC running.
Abusive, threatening, discriminatory, or prejudicial behaviour of any form is completely forbidden and will be met with immediate expulsion from the Free Company. Any intentionally provocative, demeaning, malicious, hostile, or insulting behaviour is unacceptable. Please consult the Company Manager or any member of staff (those with Officer rank) if you are experiencing such behaviour.
Respect that not everyone will agree with others. This is a large Free Company, and conflict will inevitably arise. Members are expected to attempt to resolve disagreements with other players civilly, privately, and independently. Personal conflict is not to be dragged into public discussion. Please approach a Company Manager or any Officer for assistance where needed.
Refrain from using excessive, gratuitous, or explicit language. Moderate degrees of mature language and conversation is expected, but please keep things civil. Politics, religion, and similarly divisive topics are not welcome topics of discussion.
Discussion on all aspects of the Free Company and relevant activities is always welcome. Complaints should not be made unjustly unless accompanied by alternative proposals. All feedback and discussion should respect this Code of Conduct. Please bear in mind that constructive feedback may be unsolicited – if it is not requested, do not provide, unless it is the requirement of a team effort in the sense of aiding another.
If you leave the Free Company, you will not be able to rejoin for 30 days. Please think carefully before leaving the Free Company. If you are burnt out on playing or encounter some form of problem, step away from the game rather than leaving the FC. Reach out to the Company Manager or any Officer to discuss in-game issues you may be having, and return when you feel ready. Please note if you continue to come and go, you may be blacklisted.
Members inactive for 365 days will be removed from the Free Company. The FC is always expanding, and at the risk of nearing our limits we will remove such inactive members in order to make room for new members.